Is the power sword really bad?

So me and a couple of buddy's last night were trying to do lethal missions for the helmet cause he really wants it but it's been super laggy due to the storm sitting on the mountains where the cell towers are and that messes with internet for some reason (it's only internet when clouds or storms hover over that set of mountains) anyways I was bulwark and he was vanguard and I was using the power sword the whole mission and was even the last brother standing and had to fight off 6 majoris and a bunch of minoris in the mission decapitation but he still outdid me in melee damage by almost 6,000 so that ked me to think is the power sword just bad in terms of damage cause It feels like a wet poodle noodle to majoris and a dull knife to minoris since it takes 3 power swipes to kill on ruthless.

Tldr: power sword feels super weak in damage compared to other melee weapons