I feel like the comp. review is unfair and will always be biased - And I'm the manager who has to do it!
I'm the manager of an HR support team.
We handle inquiries through case handling system, phone and chat.
All my employees (15) handle the above tasks, but each have individual "specialty areas" they handle in addition to the main tasks.
I'm about to head into the annual comp. review (bonus for 2024 and salary adjustment for 2025), and I can't help but feel that there's no right way of doing this, so that it is 100% fair...
The reason being that I haven't been there for all the calls, I haven't read through all the cases or the chats...
My manager asked me "who are your star players" and I know who I would mention, because I know who I can pass the ball to and they won't fumble, but then I had a 1:1 with a woman from my team and she was so proud to finally have the courage to tell me, that she was actually a little bored and felt that she could do so much more! I didn't know, because she'd seemed busy all year and when I mentioned, she said "yeah, helping everyone else!".
Then there's the woman who's fumbled a few times and comes in late once in a while, but her father is terminally ill and she managed to create and entirely new process by herself a few months ago! So she's very ups-and-downs...
We're a great team and in the ideal world I'd shower all my employees with gold, but the budget doesn't allow...
We had a presentation where I stood up in front of a group of senior leaders and explained my situation, and no one was able to provide an unbiased way to allocate bonus and salary so in the end they just concluded "yeah, it's hard, try and do your best". The managers I'm at the same level as, don't have a problem with the bias aspect and think it's just "part of the game" and allocate funds accordingly, but that's just not good enough for me!
I would love your suggestions for how to do an as unbiased process as possible 😊