I Think I Might be Done
Never competed, white belt 1 stripe. Fell in love with BJJ and thought this is something I could do forever.
I keep getting injured. It sucks. My body composition has changed; I have less muscle and my joints hurt much more now. I am 35 it’s like my body started falling apart as soon as I started training.
This isn’t a shit post, this is a “mixed feelings” about a hobby/ martial art that I deeply enjoy and respect, but taking away from my quality of life.
Last night a guy I’ve never seen before showed up and when he had me in a triangle I sat on but and crossed my legs over his waist to escape and was able to free my arm but before I could unlock my ankles he did a barrel role and rolled with him. My knee popped and this morning I have come to the conclusion my LCL tore. Last February a guy came in (again never saw him before) and jumped into my guard and I pulled my groin.
I get it, things happen, but I’m just a guy who is going to BJJ as a hobby and I’ve gotten random assholes who are in a midlife crisis taking out all of their aggression on a Thursday night. I’m just going to add, I’m a combat wounded veteran and now I’m a Tax Accountant. I have nothing to prove.
I’m just hurting right now now because I may just walk away from the sport. I had a great time and thought I would do this well into my life. My gut is telling me to hang it up and enjoy lifting weights and golf and having unrestricted (mobility) sex with my wife. Writing this is helping me process.
Any feedback from you guys is appreciated. 🤙🏻