O-goshi as a tournament throw
I'm curious what your take is on o-goshi's ranking as a tournament throw?
I'm a very recent yellow belt with a great interest in competing so I want to spend my free time training throws that'll serve this purpose. Osoto gake and o-goshi are the only two throws I've actually successfully pulled of in randori and I've become weirdly attached to o-goshi, even though I hated it initially and it felt awkward. My main beef with it is how difficult it seems to be to setup. One of our senseis suggested that I work on gripping from the armpit as opposed to around the torso but I've neved actually managed this and it feels very awkward.
Does o-goshi have a place in tournaments or is my time best spent refining another throw? Are there any known judokas who have used o-goshi in tournaments that I can go watch?