What are y'all stances on the free will debate ? And has K6BD changed how you view free will ?
Anyway here is my take on the characters view :
Zoss and Allison : compatibilist. Know that the universe is deterministic, dont care, do their stuff
Jadis : hard determinist. She is constantly aware of the entire causal chains of everything happening in the universe down to the movement of single electrons, and she cant detach herself from that knowledge, and she believes free will cannot possibly exist when everything is deterministic
Salomon : David : Probably libertarian free will before the fall of his empire, he got this whole "mind over the matter, I can do anything I want" mindset and probably doesnt believe in determinism. Difficult to say after he became an hermit.
Jagganoth : Fate/destiny. His confidence in winning goes beyond the fact that he is invulnerable to any harm and has the strongest army. He really thinks he is fated to win and him becoming invulnerable was just the way fate played out rather than a condition for it.
Mottom : before meeting Allison, incompatibilist. She may or may not think that the universe is deterministic, she doesnt believe in her free will anyway because she sees herself trapped in her situation and deprived of her agency through everything that happened in her life. She seems to hold this view regarding other people as well.
Undecided : I dont see other characters having a strong opinion in the debate, tell in the comments if you have an idea