Okay so there are multiple people in my class that know about my sh because I either told them or they accidentally saw it. On wednesday this one guy who likes to call me emo if I ever cut myself and I just ignored him and thought he was just making fun of me. I didn't have school yesterday so nothing happened but today the same guy asked me AGAIN. I was like wth is with this guy but again thought nothing to it. Then he said everyone knows I do it. Then later one guy who I actually told about it said "at least I don't slit open my body" and I was like wtf (also he said it really loud so multipe people heard it) and he also said everyone knows I do it. And I'm pretty sure he was the one who told everyone because he does shitty things all the time and the guy who saw it on accident used to also sh and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't tell anyone. The other people didn't tell anyone I know that for sure. That little son of a bitch I fucking hate him. I don't wanna be made fun of even more than I am rn. I FUCKING HATE PEOPLE