Anticipated Ambush in three shots.
What do you most hope will be improved in ultimate Blair?
Need more info on Ines Gun Build
what is the fastest you've done purge 20? (3m 37s) (pls give me tips on how to get it done faster thx)
The problem w/public Defiler
I know random pubs sometimes frustrates you, but I can't live without it.
How does crit work in this game?
Help. How do I turn off explosion blast effect on rocket launchers?
Who's fourth? :)
Esiemo fans fit check plz
Best time yet on Defiler… Pubs btw…
I'll get hate for this, but I 100% believe Bunny needs a Speed Buff.
Honestly, Ines ruined the game.
Suggestion: Jayber Rework
Defiler is peak fashion
Heard we were talking Keelan
Is this a bug or intentional? Sharen cannot be buffed by allies while she’s invisible.
Jayber turrets are absolutely perfect now
High fire rates actually hurt your dmg output
I know that T&A outfits probably sell like crazy, but hear me out:
enzo is so absurd against defiler
I present to you: A very poorly done Mega Man
Is everyone okay with the state of the game being focused on Ability-damaging Descendants, and not actual gunplay?
PSA : Your mobbing Ines reactor is fine for Defiler
Restored Relic actually be good