Potential ICEy conditions 2/1
ACDFace/Sam Allegations Megathread
Is Viggo Mortensen playing Adolf Eichmann?
Addy’s Instagram tag
Candidates for an Alice custom?
Unleashed the dragpn
Why did Israel Keyes allegedly murder that elderly couple inside their home?
Thoughts on Greenwich CT boutique?
Roommate constantly letting random men sleepover
What were you doing when you heard the towers got hit on 9/11/2001?
Any differences (besides outfit) of Rebecca pre-beforever vs. post-beforever?
Question for those who have a Pleasant Company version of a Doll
Childhood Kirsten with crazy hair.
What was the most irritating coworkers you’ve encountered….what did they do and how did you handle it?
What qualities should Provincetown's next police chief have? Here's how you can weigh in.
Shelter said they thought she was a rat terrier mix
American Girl Doll Collectors This is why I don't approve of the Beforever Samantha Meet Dress. Collectors, who do, try to explain to me why.
very insecure, should i get the nose job?
Cry baby 👶
I'm 15 do you think I can read The Secret History?
Megan Stoner’s Post Jail Priorities
do you guys think she’s alive ?
[NYC] My roommate pulled a knife on me because I was playing music loudly.
Any of your girls LGBTQ+?
Anyone Else Struggling with Leaving FB and FB Doll Groups?