Giving away my Stormweaver Spark build and all my Currency! Just comment under this post and i will chose a random person 2 hours after posting.
Didn't think I would ever get one
I can't even keep up with the game anymore XD
Today is my lucky day. What was your luckiest drops so far?
People who have played POE1 could you answer some basic questions? I am a newbie to this genre, POE specifically.
Why am I getting this error message? I have a Window 11 23H2 Build 22631.4317
This is soon going to be a problem for a lot of players if not addressed in the near future. All these stabilizers are seemingly never going to be used, we need a way to dispose them off.
What happened to my Dry Dock? I finished my mission, but now I can't go back to Dry Dock.
Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (3x up to $100)
1 steam game of your choice!
Is it possible to complete Angels of the Zariman with Mote Amp?
Can I unlock and use waybound passives without finishing other nodes in a school?
What the hell is this?
I have been getting this error since yesterday when opening discord in Google Chrome. The desktop client works fine though.
Stuck at The New Strange quest. I am at the last mission, but its not showing where I need to go. I know its Ose in Europa, but the mission itself is not accessible. What am I doing wrong?
Late to the party, but we finally entered the Billion Gold club.
Anyone else capped on stabilizers
I recently came to know about Cronus and I am wondering when Ubisoft is going to ban it. Its absolutely disgusting that players will use anything to boost their ego online.
Its getting increasingly difficult to tell apart cheaters from legitimate players. I am on Asia server, idk maybe its just me, but it definitely doesn't seem right. And its low account level players stomping like its a cake walk.
Ooooh...that's that bullshit
How Xdefiant lobbies be like when you just want to have fun
Just started Elden Ring, am I supposed to kill the guy on the horse?
Absolute state of the game
I needed some Kuiper Shards
I'm a billionaire, and now we know 999,999,999 isn't the cap for gold.