Any ideas for a good name for my cat?
Insane Jet Blast at St. Martin Airport – Tourists Get Blown Away by MD80 Series Aircraft Takeoff!
Never a Dull Moment
Hvad kalder men en nonne på en cykel der kører ned af bakke?
How do you pronounce 'ZYCX'?
Hvad gør man med en gammel bil?
How to make buttons that sort sheet and only show specific activities?
Hvilken opførsel fra andre mennesker, har været den mest chokerende du har oplevet?
Managers out there: Would you give your employees a raise if you could?
Hjælp til tinder/rate profil
Michelle Pfeiffer decapitating 3 mannequins in a row with a Bullwhip, first try 🤯
Do you have an iPad for professional purposes? If so, what are some apps and/or "hacks" you can recommend?
Real load in plate loaded machines and how it translates to barbell exercises
Bryllups budget!
New Model Y pictures from Tesla website
How to measure 'potential'?
hvad er rationalet for at købe/lease en Tesla model Y i øjeblikket?
Please help me decide if buying a Tesla makes sense
I feel like the comp. review is unfair and will always be biased - And I'm the manager who has to do it!
It’s pronounced “Caleb”
Is Balatro actually as good as everyone says it is?
[DK] What is a talent?
What is a talent?
Am I stuck forever?
What would happen if a pulsar entered our solar system